It’s only a trick

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Apr 21, 2014 Comments Off on It’s only a trick admin

Imagine charging $8,000 to your credit card on a wild shopping spree…

…then trying to explain to your spouse how you actually saved the family money as you had originally planned to spend $10,000.

The fact is that big spenders in Washington, D.C. have been playing games like this with our money and calling it “savings” for decades.

They dig us deeper in debt by increasing spending by $7.5 trillion instead of $9.5 trillion and call it “savings.”

Only in Washington can increasing spending slower be considered a “cut.”

And it’s all thanks to a game of smoke and mirrors called “baseline budgeting.”

Tax-and-spenders in Washington want to convince taxpayers that they are reducing spending, even as our national debt soars beyond $17 trillion.

But you and I know the truth.

Like some cheap magic trick, the cuts are imaginary.

And like any illusion, tax-and-spenders are hoping that baseline budgeting will distract voters from the fact that every year they are siphoning more and more of our money.

The big spenders want us to just bite the bullet and accept that ever-escalating government spending is just a fact of life.

And as long as Congress thinks they can continue to pull the wool over the eyes of voters, they will continue their reckless spending binge.

But together this election, you and I can hold the politicians accountable for their tax-and-spend shopping sprees.

By fighting debt ceiling increases and pushing for a strong Balanced Budget Amendment to cut up Congress’ limitless credit card, you and I can send the politicians a message:

Shape up or face the political consequences this fall.

NLT President Gary Paumen