$50 Million for Free Information?

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Apr 2, 2014 Comments Off on $50 Million for Free Information? admin

It seems like every time I think I’ve seen it all when it comes to wasteful government spending, a new example comes along to redefine “ridiculous.”

Have you ever heard of the National Technical Information Service?

It’s a federal agency that gathers “government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business-related information” and sells it to other parts of the federal government.

This sixty-year-old agency is a relic of a world without the internet, back before we could find almost any information we wanted just by clicking “Search.”

Sure enough, the Government Accountability Office has found that 74% of what NTIS sells is already publicly available — for free — on other government websites, accessible by Google.

But taxpayers are still forced to pay $50 million a year to keep the NTIS running.

Of course, this is not new information.

The GAO has been reporting for years that NTIS was a massive waste, and Commerce Secretary William Daley even suggested abolishing it back in 1999.

But it’s still here, still pointless, and still costs $50 million.

Frankly, that sounds crazy. In fact, even though it’s “only” $50 million, it’s hard to think of anything crazier.

But unfortunately, if keeping track of federal waste has taught me anything, it’s to never say never.

NLT President Gary Paumen